In The Trenches

ITT 022: Content Warfare with Ryan Hanley



Winning the Battle for Attention with Ryan Hanley How often do you find yourself competing for attention online? If you're a writer, artist, entrepreneur, or blogger, chances are a lot. It comes with the territory. There are millions of websites and our audiences' time and attention are limited. So the question is: how do you distinguish yourself from the crowd and earn that well deserved attention for your high quality content? Enter: Ryan Hanley. Ryan is the creator of, the host of the Content Warfare Google Hangout / Live Podcast, and the founder of Hanley Media Labs. Ryan is THE leading authority on winning the war for attention online by building your brand the right way (and a person whose advice I implicitly trust - something I say about very few people). The best part: Ryan isn't keeping his genius to himself. Instead, he's  taking all the knowledge and experience he's gained over the years from building brands online and putting it into a book he's launching through a new book crow