In The Trenches

ITT 023: MVP Validation with Cheryl Woodhouse



How to Validate a Minimum Viable Product with Cheryl Woodhouse If you've been following me for a while, you know I write about product development (starting, finishing, and shipping products and services) a lot. Part of the process for successfully shipping a product or service to market is making sure it will work BEFORE you spend months or years building it. This is what we mean when we say: minimal viable product. The minimal viable product or MVP is the most basic, version 1.0 product you can build that can then be sold to early adopters to see if your idea is good or bad. Yes, it's that simple. No, it's not easy. In today's interview, I sit down with marketer and author of Start Something: A Step by Step Guide to A Successful Business, Cheryl Woodhouse to talk product development, how to validate your ideas cheaply and quickly, and how she's helped dozens of clients create something their audience loves (without breaking the bank). Listen, take notes, then leave a review on iTunes letting Cheryl and I kn