In The Trenches

ITT 024: Veterans Rebuild America with Chad Grills



Rebuilding America with Chad Grills Chad Grills is a veteran, entrepreneur and the author of the currently-being-crowdfunded-book: Veterans: Don’t Reintegrate, Rebuild America. Chad and I happen to have a very similar background, and like myself, he is currently occupying his time with a cornucopia of projects. (bonus points for using the word cornucopia in a sentence) In today's broadcast, we touch on some seemingly random topics (but I promise - they make sense in context), including: Chad's military background, his new book, Antifragility, Post Traumatic Growth, and how to hit the ground running as a military veteran transitioning into the civilian world. By the way, Chad has less than two days left to fund his new book. I already have my copy preordered. You can support Chad and get your copy here. What Chad Grills and I Talk About: Chad's transition out of the military and into the civilian world Antifragility and how it applies to creating a better life All about the Regret Minimization Framework