In The Trenches

ITT 029: How to Make $1 Million Freelancing with Liam Veitch



In today's broadcast of In The Trenches, I sit down with Liam Veitch, founder of and author of Stop Thinking Like a Freelancer – the Evolution of a One Million Dollar Web Designer. What you'll learn: how to get paid what you're worth as a freelancer or consultant how to improve your freelancing practice how Liam made $1 million in 3 years from freelancing (and the techniques and strategies he used to do it) At the end of this episode, you’ll have learned the importance of framing your work, positioning your business, the important of performance, and the best business practices for a freelancer. THE SECRETS OF A MILLION DOLLAR WEB DESIGNER Stop Thinking Like a Freelancer[/caption] Liam Veitch grew his freelance web design business into a 1 million dollar business about three years ago, in 2011. Liam started his freelance web design business while working a full time job after failing in a previous freelance business. In 2009, he shut down his first freelance business and joined a multi