In The Trenches

ITT 194: How to Create a Personal Brand



Taylor Lou Dixon helps women create amazing businesses/passion projects/and side hustles as an integral part of their higher purpose. Prior to coaching, Taylor managed to create a profitable and growing social media agency. She worked with clients like Chick-Fil-A and other big-name restaurant chains; however, she learned it was important to her to facilitate a true inner joy and confidence for women who are deciding to take those first steps towards creating their own dream life.   Taylor is a lifestyle design coach for millennial women. She helps these women design lifestyles that they love and really enjoy. I brought Taylor onto the podcast today to talk about how she approaches branding her own business and how she approaches her target market. I’m excited to explore how she approaches these two things because I think when it comes to branding and target audiences, most business owners need help in figuring out what content actually resonates and converts. My big takeaway from today’s conversation is th