In The Trenches

ITT 197: Attract and Close More Clients



Dov Gordon is a coach who helps consultants, coaches and experts get ideal clients. He is the founder and head coach of The Alchemist Entrepreneur, which works on the core concepts of your marketing message and systematic implementation.   On today’s episode, I sit down with Dov Gordon, a coach who helps consultants, coaches and experts land their ideal clients. We dive into precisely how you should be crafting your tagline or hooks that will allow you to get more clients. My big takeaway from today’s conversation is Dov’s three step process that he walks through with clients when he’s helping them develop their taglines and hooks.   In this broadcast, Dov and I talk about:   What led Dov to enter the consultant space How did Dov use the “live it to learn it” mentality In what ways did Dov use experiential learning without a college education What is the “path of mastery” and how it applies to a marketing funnel How to lead a customer through an experience  The importance of connecting with a master