Classic Camera Revival

Classic Camera Revival - Episode 81 - Living in Stereo



After our recent shelf queen episode (in which John spoke about his non-functioning Stereo Realist), John heard from listener Howard M. Sandler, who it turns out is quite the expert on Stereo Photography! We thought a deep dive into Stereo would be in order, and John was very happy to have Howard as a guest for this Stereo excursion. Below is an example of Howard's stereo work. Howard was also kind enough to provide a treasure trove of links on the topic (listed below), so dive in! Howard's stereo photos (mostly film, but not exclusively. Almost all presented in parallel viewing format)     One of many stereo groups on flickr (images in a variety of viewing formats. There are also groups for specific viewing formats)     London Stereoscopic Co. They sell a good viewer for parallel images (the Owl viewer) and publish a gallery of good stereo pairs each month (Full disclosure: Howard has an imag