Classic Camera Revival

Classic Camera Revival - Episode 103 - In the Loupe: Merlin



No matter how you describe him, Merlin is a film photographer that gets around, he is in touch with all different aspects of the community as a whole, kind of like Kevin Bacon and today he's joining Bill, James, and Chrissie on today's episode! While he doesn't describe himself as a photographer, he feels more like an archivist, he loves using film to archive the people and places that are important to him. While traditional film is a medium he uses, his film of choice is instant and it is the community that he feels the most connected to, especially the Instant Film Society. Merlin is a west coast native but has spent the recent years here in Toronto but is now heading back out to BC. In addition to his own work, he is part of the team behind Northern Film Collective. And has recently gotten into running a series of live interviews through Instagram with a range of different photographers. Grab a coffee, this is going to be a long episode.