Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

High-Vibe Feng Shui • Grief and Infant Loss • with Ashley Cantley



Ashley Cantley Ashley Cantley Ashley Cantley is the Author of High-Vibe Feng Shui: 11 Steps to Achieving Your Best Life. She is passionate about living well and helping others do the same through the ancient principles of Feng Shui. Her modern practice pulls from Traditional Chinese Medicine, shamanism, Ayurveda, and current studies of energetics to design a life of abundance. As a certified Feng Shui expert and a Red Ribbon Professional (the highest recognition) through the International Feng Shui Guild, she has worked with celebrity clients and has been  featured as a go-to source for media outlets such as Bravo TV and Real Simple. Discussed In This Episode: The lifestyle of Feng ShuiWhat is modern Feng Shui according to Ashley CantleyIntuition and deepening your relationship with yourselfBeing authentic and how that's the only way to "do Feng Shui right"Why using environmentally friendly products mattersBeing intentional in everything you doTips from the Feng Shui toolboxMantrasThe Sacred Pause