All Possibilities With Julie Chan

007 – Eduardo Placer of Fearless Communicators – The Lion and the Kitty



The ripple effect of finding a confident voice… Eduardo Placer, ‎Social Impact Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Community Builder, and Founder/CEO of Fearless Communicators (a dynamic public speaking coaching business that empowers leaders and change-makers) – (bio), joins Julie Chan for a discussion of finding one’s voice, and a follow up to a prior full intuitive reading, at the MouthMedia Network Studio at Voyager HQ.A voice and a story, when the body shows up, and the introverted extrovert Placer reviews how he started as an actor, and how he realized we all have a voice and a story to share, and how owning a voice and story can allow us to make impact. How he found himself on stage, wondering if is this all he was called to do in life, with the answer growing louder. He discusses public speaking, how the body shows up to the event of speaking, working with a school in southern Kenya, an LGBTQ activist organization in southeastern Africa, working with women in business to help the with their voice, and