All Possibilities With Julie Chan

013 – Mini Intuitive Reading with Margot Putnam Delaney – The Meaning of Blueberries



Love and passion vs. logic and ability… Margot Putnam Delaney (bio), a consultant for startups, joins Julie Chan for a mini intuitive reading, interpretation and coaching that ranges from archeology to spirituality, with a hint of blueberries. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios.Archeology, loving data, and Camino Santiago Decompostela Putnam Delaney discusses her background in financial tech, how she was originally committed to be a an archeologist, a passion for underwater archeology then antiquities art law, then a transition into financial tech, then immersed in the startup scene, a background in payments processing, a love of data, the study of people, and finding something personal inside data. The value of a diary, embracing spirituality, undertaking the Camino Santiago Decompostela, how sharing leads to confronting, an intimacy with people on that journey, and why she didn’t take contact information of some of her fellow travelers. An Intuitive reading, blueberries, and change Chan provides