All Possibilities With Julie Chan

016 – Mini Intuitive Reading with Jen Nash – Finding Worth by Bringing Fun to the Money Tree



Empowering women, finding the fun in success… Jen Nash, entrepreneur and budding philanthropist with a focus on empowering women around money (bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini-intuitive reading and discussion on inspiring others and enjoying life. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.A reset, a disparity, and a unusual upbringing Nash discusses her long time side passions of real estate, enjoying time with female friends and encouraging them to leave greatest lives with the most money. How she ran off to Southeast Asia for a big reset, and came back and launched, empowering women to be more comfortable talking about money. Knowing you have to make a change when you are no longer doing something you want to do. Loving helping women know its OK to talk about money. The disparity between the majority of college attendees being women, but most high earning people are men. The “Wonder Woman” movie as a great example of a powerful woman character and powerful women getting something accomplishe