All Possibilities With Julie Chan

058 – Ben Turshen of The Spring Meditation – The Law of Breathing



Vedic mediation and breathing work from a former attorney turned meditation teacher… Imagine hating your job–something many people experience. Meet a man who decided enough was enough, walking away from a prestigious corporate law firm to become a Vedic Meditation teacher, dedicating his life to shepherding others to live their best lives. Ben Turshen, meditation teacher, joins guest host Jessica Brodkin [Episode 11] in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Three things Turshen does, Vedic Meditation, work with individuals on breath work, and personal coaching How he was a corporate lawyer, and it ate his soul, but he practiced law for four years, had a breakdown in the first two weeks of law school How his whole life experience was filled with anxiety and depression, which was fairly well managed until law school, and a red flag for a legal career, but still got through law school and got big job in major law firm but didn’t feel successful A law course was taught being on th