All Possibilities With Julie Chan

071 – Evie Jeang – Surrogacy and Purpose



Why a family lawyer froze her eggs, then founded a one stop for all things surrogacy, why it is empowering for women, the legal and moral implications, and living her purpose… Evie Jeang, Founder of Surrogacy Concierges, LLC (California’s premier and exclusive one stop shop to your surrogacy and fertility needs), and managing Partner of Ideal Legal Group, LLC (specialized in family law, special education, labor, and worker’s compensation), joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser. This is one of several episodes on the topic of pregnancy.In this episode: Why Jeang flew to NYC for this interview Surrogacy and why Jeang never thought she wanted a family Why Jeang froze eggs when she was  30, and the Wall Street Journal did a story, in which Jeang says they thought she was crazy (so did other people) People’s reaction How should you define family? How Evie feels she changed the definition of family Don’t have to be a mom to get married or have your own family Worst choice people