Consciousness With Naskar

Is "control of society" possible? | Neuroscientist Abhijit Naskar | #teatalks



Neuroscientist Abhijit Naskar, the author The Art of Neuroscience in Everything, is giving information about neuroscience and answering our questions, on the Turkey based show #teatalks. Questions answered: 0:15 Is it ethical to use neuroscience methods in marketing? 3:38 Are findings in neuroscience researches effecting science of sociology? 4:45 Can we monitor some kind of evolution of human brain? 6:05 What are the neuroscience methods to work with futurists? 8:10 Is “control of society“ possible? What are the risks if methods are used in bad way? 9:54 As we know more about human brain are we figuring out it is working more simple than we thought or just the opposite? 10:42 Will everything lose its meaning when we learn evetything about human brain?