Gotham Press

Season 1 Episode 6 - The new year in tech



We've made it to episode 6! Thank you all for coming back each episode to enjoy with us! This episode we went a bit tech heavy as CES just passed and we wanted to give our opinions on a few of the items we were wowed by! Kick back, relax, and have a great time hanging out with your friends at the Gotham Press! ------Show notes------ Zeolist's mustard gas farts Feds raid CES over hoverboard patent issues New tech from the Consumer Electronics Show Hollywood deaths Female only cafe in Japan Pervertables Fun with sharp things (Knife Play) ------------ Jay Wiseman Fetlife group - Official site - ------------ Kink of the week: Knife play Greedy and Awesome are in for Wondercon 2016 with Fiend and Zeolist as possibles