Gotham Press

Thief's Cut



Well, well, well... Good morning, afternoon, or whatever time you have stumbled back to listen to the latest episode of The Gotham Press Podcast. Today is gonna be a little different. You see, Awesome is hogtied in the basement and it is I, Thief, who has taken control of today's episode! Muahahahaha! Fear should be coursing through your veins, terror should be the only emotion you feel, as all bets are off! It is time for the world to see that I am t- Sorry, had to take some meds.  On this extended episode of Lala's Land (Sponsored by Heckler's Handiwork), Lala Tells the gang about a "friend's" orgasmic dream of having a giant penis, and the gang listens to some "Bad Sex Advice" from the internet and replies, as well as, admits some of their own. On the Gotham Press Podcast Thief makes a racist comment he tries to backpedal out of. Lala and Awesome watched "There Is No I in Threesome". Lala tried to watch "Painting With John" and we all mourn the loss of an American publisher, Larry Flynt.  Lala and Awes