Gotham Press

Still Shorter Than Justice League!



Welcome back, Gothamites! On this episode of Lala's Land (Sponsored by Heckler's Handiwork) Lala chats with Anemic Princess about some sex facts. This week on The Gotham Press Podcast: Awesome and Thief talk about the Snyder Cut of Justice League with no spoilers to worry about.  Witness the most adorable of sneezes by Lala as Greedy questions whether the Virgin Mary may have been a sleepwalker. The gang gives their takes on WandaVision, also without any major spoilers (we're getting better at this!). Thief can't remember "The Eternals" which is probably fine since it isn't a Mutants film anyway.  Awesome educates us about the time Lois Lane was black (temporarily). The gang talks about the first Gay Teen Captain America (Aaron Fischer) coming to Marvel Comics.  We discuss the need for having more female and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) writers involved in creating not just shows and movies but also creative universes as a whole.  We quickly talk about the shootings in Atlanta and how the