Charles Adler Tonight

The Full Show: BC wait times for ambulances, what's causing surge in cases across the country, and could Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou be sent to the U.S?



BC Paramedic president on massive wait times for ambulances Guest - Troy Clifford - Ambulance Paramedics Union President & an active paramedic  What’s responsible for the surging covid cases across the country? Guest - Dr. Isaac Bogoch - Infectious disease clinician and scientist at the University of Toronto  Could Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou be sent to the U.S? Guest - Sandy Garossino  - Writer; former trial lawyer; and columnist for the National Observer  How two Canadian cities are responding a similar history Guest - Thomas Lukaszuk  - Former Deputy Premier of Alberta    Subscribe to the Charles Adler Tonight podcast to hear more: See for privacy information.