Francis Watch

Episode 9: Bergoglio’s “Theology of Surprises”



In the final episode of Season 3 of Francis Watch, His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada discuss, as they have almost every month this year, the doings of the Novus Ordo religion, and in particular, the words and actions of Jorge Maria Bergoglio, who goes by the name Francis. The show begins by discussing some of the ongoing aftershocks of the Synod - not just the "conservative" neo-Thermidorean reaction of people like Burke, Schneider, and Pell, but the musings of Vaticanistas like Roberto de Mattei and Sandro Magister. Does Francis know what he's doing? The hand-wringers hope he doesn't, the ones who know him better know that he does. We go on to speak about the theology of "surprise," the elevation of environmentalism to a new semi-dogma, and the reflections at the close of Season 3 and since the time of the election of Bergoglio. On tap for this month: * Reactions to the October SIN-od * Burke warns: "the ship has lost its compass" and is facing schism * Schneider proclaims: Synod