
Episode 3: The Path that Splits the Oaks Asunder & The Saturday Dance



Bradley Robert Parks lives, writes, and performs in and around Brooklyn, NY, where he founded the Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers (BSFWriters.com). His passion for writing blossomed while growing up in a family of genre readers. While he's been pursuing writing for a while, the crazy energy of NYC and BSFW have given him the focus and motivation to finally get published. His story "Sustenance" appeared on BuzzyMag.com in October of 2014. He also sings and narrates stories when time permits. Along with these achievements, he's obtained one husband, Michael, and Insanity Anne Magoo (best cat ever). Keep up with his exploits on Facebook or at BradleyRobertParks.com. Tanya Ireland MacLean lives in Brooklyn NY on a street where garbages trucks seems to be driving through 24 hours a day. When she is not turning up the volume on her TV to max she is working on a collection of monster time travel short stories and a novel she knows people won’t use as a doorstop. She can be reached at TanyaIrelandMaclean@gmai