Chats With Chip

CWC 41: The PR agency as a news-driven organization (featuring Sean Cassidy)



When Sean Cassidy walked out of Tufts University in 1990, he graduated with a major in Cold War foreign policy — just as the Soviet Union was about to dissolve. He hadn’t aspired to a career in public relations, but it turned out he was a good writer and he caught the eye of a small agency owner. Three decades later, Sean leads DKC, a prominent independent PR agency headquartered in New York. They recently rolled out a new tagline: “maximizing return on news.” In this episode, he explains why he believes PR agencies should be news-driven organizations and what skills that requires.Continue Reading → The post CWC 41: The PR agency as a news-driven organization (featuring Sean Cassidy) appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.