Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit #43: Linguistic Reclamation, Weaves in Church, and Louisville Humorist Tracy Clayton



Lately, many mainstream (read: white) media outlets have taken notice of Black Twitter. Often their approach seems almost anthropological. "How did this amazing phenomenon come about? Who are these people and what is their motivation?" But as Dr. Story says on this week's show, "Black people talk about political issues amongst themselves, and they have been for centuries. And they sometimes write about it too." To dissect Black Twitter and the media's response to it, we're joined this week by Tracy Clayton, aka @BrokeyMcPoverty, who writes The Root's Grapevine blog and can also be found at PostBourgie. Tracy is one of the funniest voices on our timeline (in our opinion, and you know our opinion is never humble), and lucky for us, she's from right here in Louisville, so she was able to pop down to the studio for a visit.  Tracy's been called for several interviews now about the black twitter phenomenon, which she defines like so: "It's black people... who use twitter." Or in a mor