Strange Fruit

Practical Magic for Patriarchal Times



Have you ever just wished that you could wave a wand and all of the oppression, injustices and traumas in the world would just disappear, like magic? Author Ariel Gore, a self-described social justice witch, says that not only is it possible, but she’s written a magical guide to show us just how to do it. "Hexing the Patriarchy: 26 Potions, Spells, and Magical Elixirs to Embolden the Resistance" contains more than two dozen incantations, recipes, and rituals collected from actual witches from various traditions. Gore joins us this week to discuss her own journey to social justice witchcraft and shares how feminist magic can help uplift and empower the disenfranchised. Later in the show we have a provocative conversation regarding race, interracial unions and social justice with writer Madena Maxine. We talk about why white folks in interracial marriages should care about anti-racism work, which is what she examines in her deeply personal essay "Racial Trauma & My Interracial Marriage."