Camden Community Radio

Voices from the Camden Demo against shut down of Parliament



On Saturday 31st August, hundreds of people gathered in Camden to protest at the proposal that parliament be shut down for 5 weeks, essentially to inhibit elected MPs from stopping a No-Deal Brexit. Hear extracts of what some of the speakers said. ... Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations: Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP Package: Marian Larragy Petition against shutdown of Parliament :: Demo for Free Movement of Migrants :: Sa