Us Citizenship Podcast

2020 U.S. Citizenship Interview with Patrice Lumumba (Senegal)



Barbara Harris, a teacher at Woodland Adult School, participates in mock Citizenship interview as Patrice Lumumba from Senegal. After the interview, Barbara will talk briefly about Woodland Adult School and her family's tradition of service in the U.S. military. This interview was recorded at the 2020 EL Civics Conference, Charles A. Jones Career Education Center, Sacramento, CA. You can watch a shorter version of this interview: Patrice Lumumba’s Practice U.S. Citizenship Interview Woodland Adult Education Charles A. Jones Career Education Center Also of note: U.S. Citizenship Quiz for African-American History Month 2020 In February 2020, restrictions on immigration were placed on six additional countries, including Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania.  In honor of African-American History Month, this quiz celebrates the contributions of Nigeran, Eritrean, Sudanese, and Tanzanian immigrants and their children. http://b