Us Citizenship Podcast

USCIS Oct. 2 Fee Increase BLOCKED!



USCIS responds to a judge's order to stop the increase of the citizenship fee from $725 to $1170 on October 2. CNN reported Tuesday night that a Federal judge blocked attempt to hike naturalization fees by 80%. The fee hike was supposed to go up on Oct.2. See the details at USCIS Response to Preliminary Injunction of Fee Rule WASHINGTON-U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Deputy Director of Policy Joseph Edlow issued the following statement in response to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issuing a nationwide preliminary injunction enjoining fee increases for citizenship and other immigration benefits. “This unfortunate decision leaves USCIS underfunded by millions of dollars each business day the fee rule is enjoined. Unlike most government agencies, USCIS is fee funded. As required by federal law, USC