1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

028: A Friendly Reminder (Momentary Reflections)



I separated from the Marine Corps on September 14, 2011. Like most Marines, I was ready for the relief. I was also nervous. I thought I had a good plan, but I was wrong. A lot has transpired in three years. Since getting out of the Marine Corps, I’ve been fired from two jobs and quit one. The last job I was fired from was over coffee I wasn’t authorized to drink. I had a motorcycle stolen from me. It was my only mode of transportation at the time and was stolen days before I was hired to a job that would soon fire me. While I had good coverage, my insurance company informed me that I did not have the right coverage for theft. I was not compensated and had to finance a new vehicle so that I could get myself to my new job. Since getting out of the Marine Corps, I’ve changed universities three times and changed degree programs another three times. I lost a good friend over my own insensitivity and a misunderstanding. We still don’t talk. To finish the post, listen to the podcast or go to One2ManyProject.com/28