1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

033: The Reality of Transparency (Momentary Reflections)



“I read your post the other day.” I hear that often now. Usually it gets followed up with “I thought it was good” or “I’m impressed” or “I think it’s so important that you’re doing this.” Sometimes people are referring to one of the stories shared on Monday. Usually though, they comment on the discovery of Momentary Reflections. Episode One was easy for me. It was just another story. It was a time in my past that I’m willing to talk about. Those moments in history that can make us feel vulnerable become liberating once we share it with someone we trust. I trust all of you. I want you to trust me. A few weeks after the project started, I began writing these short essays. It is my way of getting more material out and allowing myself a time to process my feelings on this subject. It has forced me to be more transparent with everyday life. To finish the post, listen to the podcast or go to One2ManyProject.com/33