Mud Stories With Jacque Watkins - Messy Moments Worked For Our Good

MS 084 Lauren Chandler: Finding God's Steadfast Love in the Storm



Lauren Chandler, wife, mom, singer, songwriter, and author, shares about finding God's steadfast love in our desert places, when we feel weighed down by chains, when we are in the aftermath of our own folly, or when are in the middle of a storm. She also offers encouragement about recovery, the mud of marriage, comparison and pride, and shares her journey alongside her husband through his brain cancer diagnosis and treatment. SUBSCRIBE/Review--> SUBSCRIBE/Leave Review HERE *GIVEAWAY* Enter to WIN-->Leave a Comment HERE Join Facebook group --> Mud Stories Gathering HERE FREE Audiobook of Steadfast Love -->   Mingling of Souls The Narrow Place-EP, by Lauren Chandler Steadfast Love, a single, by Lauren Chandler