Weekly Messages From Legacy Church In Austin, Texas

My Story - Your Story



Your story is valuable, needed, important, & powerful to somebody. “A man with an argument is never at the mercy of a man with an experience.” 1Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have.” 1) Before—What was your life like before you placed your faith in Jesus? Jackie Hill Perry—“I think there’s a lot of fear in being honest about where God has brought us from. I think sometimes we could be comfortable with people seeing where we are now, not recognizing that there would be so much more fruitfulness if they understood how we got there.”  2) How—How did you come to Christ? 3) Since Final tips & pointers: Stick to the point Be specific Be honest Avoid “Christianse” If all else fails, brag on Jesus. We need to tell our stories