Voices & Visions

Episode 1: Pop Culture Club Introduction



RECORDED AS POP CULTURE CLUB:  Welcome to Pop Culture Club -- which changed its name to VOICES AND VISIONS as of 2017!  I am your host, Jim Laczkowski.  I decided to preface the many episodes that will follow with a "brief" introduction about how this madness got started. Also, be aware that several episodes at the start here were first available over at Director's Club.  But since they are interviews that I'm very proud of and want to share here with potential new listeners, I wanted to include them in this feed as well.  Try not to get too confused if a few episodes at the start sound rough around the edges or sound like they are from a couple years ago. That's because they are! Anyway, more details are contained within and soon enough, all new episodes will be posted from here on out.  Also, for updates, please visit: http://popcultureclub.net