Voices & Visions

Episode 29: Emily Hagins (COIN HEIST)



What a true joy it was to talk with someone so talented, inspirational, and spirited about being a filmmaker.  The young Emily Hagins started her career around the age of 12 creating the blueprints for what would eventually become her debut feature PATHOGEN.  It was a cult hit, and received a lot of attention and acclaim from the Austin film community -- directors and critics supported her as well as her loving parents.  She would go on to make a coming-of-age vampire movie, an indie dramedy about one of her close friends, and most recently, a teenage heist movie based on a popular young adult novel.  COIN HEIST is her latest, and it features another delightful ensemble.  Be sure to add it to your queue on Netflix or better yet, watch it now as well as her earlier work.  After hearing our conversation, I'm sure you'll want to support her just as much as I will!  00:00 - 08:27 - Introduction 08:28 - 39:24 - Interview with Emily Hagins 39:25 - 42:50 - Outro Visit Emily's Website: http://www.cheesynuggets.com