Voices & Visions

Episode 34: Meghan Lamb



Meghan Lamb is the author of Silk Flowers (Birds of Lace) and Sacramento (Solar Luxuriance). She's also a lifelong friend of mine, who appeared on Director's Club many years ago, and recorded several cover songs with me under the moniker, The Anniversary Party.  Regrettably, I was unable to attend her book release party for Silk Flowers, but I was able to grab brunch with her and her husband, and later sit down for a conversation on a gorgeous afternoon in Evanston, IL.  We discussed writing, inspirations, her process, and what else is cooking in that wildly imaginative brain of hers. Buy Meghan's Latest Novel: https://www.etsy.com/listing/519306677/silk-flowers-by-meghan-lamb https://www.birdsoflace.org Read Meghan's Review Of My New Record: https://entropymag.org/silence-while-screaming-inside-a-review-of-g-o-a-t-s-silent-light/ Visit Meghan's Website: http://meghanlamb.com/index.html Listen To Our Music: https://anniversaryparty.bandcamp.com