Voices & Visions

Episode 37: Zoe Lister-Jones & Avi Nesher



Starting out this short but sweet episode is a quick audio review of the latest film from Ken Loach called I DANIEL BLAKE, which I happily viewed via online screener and very much recommend.  Then I had the pleasure of talking with two very talented filmmakers that have recently released independent films worth seeking out. And both of them involve music! First up, Zoe Lister-Jones' feature film debut is BAND AID, a refreshingly authentic portrayal of relationship dynamics and marital strife.  It's essentially a 90-minute indie pop rock song, fueled by Jones' personal experience as well as a love of music, for the couple portrayed in the film work out their issues together by forming a band and writing songs.  I thought this film was remarkably entertaining, smart, and surprisingly moving as it goes along.  Plus you've got co-star Fred Armisen on drums! Secondly, I often freelance for Troy Anderson of Andersonvision.com, who set me up with an interview of the director of PAST LIFE.  Avi Nesher joins me to t