Voices & Visions

Episode 41: Bill Ackerman



Friend and podcast host Bill Ackerman joins me to discuss a range of topics from music, film, writing, audio commentaries, technology and much more for a very enlightening conversation with another talented contributor to the fine arts.  I was lucky enough to first encounter him through e-mail correspondence throughout my last podcast, Director's Club.  He later came on as a guest, then we became friends and met up one day in NYC, and eventually I would go on to ask Bill to become a podcaster of his own with one of the best shows out there about film culture entitled Supporting Characters.  He's had a successful run on that show with a plethora of great talent to the point of inspiring and influencing this here podcast after I left Director's Club.  Bill is a huge fan of the creative arts and has contributed a lot himself going all the way back to his experiences playing in bands.  Learn about his own personal history and overall philosophy here, that might even serve as a teaser for a Supporting Characters