Voices & Visions

Episode 48: Jonathan Milott & Katherine Craft



It's been awhile since I took the crossover approach for an episode, allowing it to exist for both Director's Club & Voices and Visions.  Since my guests today are both tremendously talented filmmakers with a lot of insights, stories and new projects to promote, I decided to include this in both feeds.  After my introduction to the proceedings, I first speak with writer/director Jonathan Milott who alongside collaborator Cary Murnion have recently made a film called BUSHWICK that couldn't be more timely.  We delve into exactly why that is as well as the history between this team who is also responsible for the indie horror/comedy COOTIES.  P.S They're not brothers. At around the 40 minute mark, I then speak with someone I've known for quite awhile since she also happens to be the wife of one of my closest friends and former guests, Mr. Dan Solomon.  Katherine Craft is an established writer in many forms with a lot of success stories, both as an activist and as a creative artist.  Her latest endeavor invo