Voices & Visions

Episode 65: Tierney + Jason (The Pauses)



After the usual rambly intro about heavy thoughts, things lighten up with a great conversation featuring two members of The Pauses, a band I've grown to truly love. Tierney + Jason are the main songwriters alongside drummer Nathan, and I was happy to learn more about their history, process, and influences. We touch upon a lot of the inspiration that Tierney + Jason had while writing their excellent new record, Unbuilding, which I encourage everyone to buy ASAP.  00:00 - 10:20 - Introduction 10:21 - 57:27 - Conversation w/ Tierney + Jason 57:28 - 58:22 - Outro Buy Unbuilding Here: https://www.thepauses.com/ Bandcamp: https://thepauses.bandcamp.com/ Daytrotter Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6dkOeMwxP0 Voices + Visions Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nowplayingjim