Voices & Visions

Episode 70: Bridey Elliott



With the busy holiday madness and awards season voting taking place, it's been hard to schedule an interview in the midst of it all. But I made an effort to make sure I could speak with today's delightful guest: an extremely talented young filmmaker named Bridey Elliott. You may have heard of her sister, Abby Elliott, or have had the pleasure of growing up with her dad, Chris Elliott, like I did. Bridey's feature-length debut, CLARA'S GHOST, opens on VOD today on December 7th, and I highly recommend giving it your time especially if you too have a wacky family. It's darkly comedic with a dash of the supernatural but showcases a real love for this gifted group of performers. Bridey cites some very cool influences during our conversation, two titles in particular that made me light up like a Christmas tree. In addition, we talk about crafting a character like Clara, working with the family in a familiar setting, the delights of Haley Joel Osmeont as an adult, and other topics of discussion. Listen to the inter