Side Quest Podcast

Coaches Corner Part 1 of 2: Fighting Your Dragon, Wisdom from Dr. Jordan Peterson, & Why You're Both Batman AND Joker



**NOTE: This is a two-part episode. Please make sure to listen to Part 1 first or you'll be lost.**   Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Buddha, Christ, Gilgamesh, they all follow the same story line archetype. What Joseph Campbell came to call The Hero's Journey.       According to Dr. Jordan Peterson, myths are a road map for how to live a virtuous life. They show us how to live a good life, what is right and wrong, connect us with our humanity, and teach us lessons that science cannot.   In this episode, Tanner Baze, Nick Sorrell, Aadam Ali, and I break down The Hero's Journey, how it applies to life, and how it can guide you to live a more virtuous and moral life.   But this episode is more than that. We talk about facing your dragon (or demons) and why this is the most important thing you can do in life, period.   We break down thoughts from Dr. Jordan Peterson about why myths show us that, “Getting to where you want to go is not what you want, it’s to make sure the voyage is worth it.”   First