Your Jewish Neighborhood

YJN #2 - 8/18/05 - Rabbi Graetz on ARZA



In today's podcast, Rabbi Roberto Graetz takes a look at ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America. Links from this show: ARZA Vote ARZA for WZO Elections Our thanks to everybody -- nearly 40 of you! -- who listened to our first podcast. The statistics indicate most of you are downloading the show, and I wanted to let you know that you can also subscribe. You'll need a "podcatcher," software for subscribing to podcasts. I use iPodder. (It's free.) Once you have the software installed on your computer, click the "subscribe" link on this page and copy the URL of the "feed" into the new subscription field in iPodder. And that's it! Now, "Your Jewish Neighborhood" will come to you every Thursday.