So Suzy Podcast

Crafting For You - Finding Your Joy



Hey everyone!  It’s Suzanne and I want to thank you for joining us for the So Suzy Podcast where we help you build a business out of the hobby you love.  You will also be able to get the show notes and the links we reference by visiting us at    Over the past 6 months or so, I have been listening to the Strong Within Podcast from Chris O’Hearn.  It’s a quick 7 to 11-minute podcast that focuses on, essentially, the power of YOU.  Every day Chris has a Daily Affirmation podcast that 9 out of 10 times totally hits home and leaves me asking a ton of questions and gets my mind going a million miles a minute. One of his podcasts, number 338, I Bring Joy to Whatever I Do, left me thinking about my craft life; making cards, painting galaxies, coloring the latest Kit and Clowder monthly class and the joy it brings…until I think about the picture and posting process.  Getting the right light, posting it in my favorite Facebook Groups or Instagram.  Do I blog about it or just post it? So many times, I