Email Marketing Insiders- Discover Expert Email Strategies

EP: 8 Copy These Email Marketing Examples To Get More Opens, Clicks & Sales



"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal" -Pablo Picasso Now why would one of the greatest artists in history have a belief like this? The truth is this, you can fast track your success in virtually anything just by following in the footsteps of the most successful. To many entrepreneurs are so focused on being original they get stuck trying to re-invent the wheel. Don’t be that person... In this episode we will break down both good AND bad emails in real time, so you can learn expert tricks & avoid glaring mistakes... without having to learn the hard way! In this episode you’ll learn: One of Mike’s favorite “email hacks” to immediately increase your email click throughs. The big mistake Jason’s friend made in one of his email marketing campaigns (and what he should have done instead) What spammers can teach you about reaching your prospects inboxes and avoiding the delete button A ridiculously simple yet powerful trick experts use to drive conversion How world class email marketers like “Drip” in