

Kris & Megan talk about the top 5 reasons your kids might have meltdowns and how to avoid them.    Avoiding Meltdowns at Disney Here are the top five reasons your kids might have meltdowns while visiting Disneyland or Walt Disney World.    They're Hungry/Thirsty Just because you're at the Disney Parks doesn't mean your kids will ignore their normal eating schedule. Keep this in mind and try to have snacks ready for their normal eating times if your next meal is going to be a little later than normal.    They're Tired Same thing here. If your young kids and babies are used to a nap schedule, keep this in mind. You may not be able to get them to nap at the parks, but at least it'll give you some understanding as to their behavior. We'd suggest having some "quiet time" and finding an out of the way area to get away from all the busyness of the park.    They're Hot/Cold Try to keep your kids body temperature in mind while you're at the parks. Especially if you're babywearing or if your kids are in hot costume