

Megan & Kris respond to a negative TripAdvisor review for Disneyland and explore what could have been done differently on their part for a better trip.    Worst Disney Trip Ever Here is the TripAdvisor review we're responding to: Worst Trip Ever Long lines which I expected but not good with young children (6 years old) We were told that by buying advance tickets we could skip the long lines to get in. It took 1 hour in the bag search line then another hour in the ticket line. Kids were having meltdowns everywhere. Parents were frustrated. We took autograph books to get character autographs and pictures but lines to get up to see the characters were at least 60-100 people long. Two days there... got two autographs and went on two rides. So awful we just went back to hotel to swim. Fireworks were nice. We watched them from the hotel. Here's what we suggested: Get there before park opening, or "rope drop." You can get so much done in the hours between 8-10am before everyone else gets there, it's crazy! Thi