Bee The Wellness Podcast

Ep:162 Celestine Prophecy | James Redfield



James Redfield is the #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of The Celestine Prophecy Series of Books.  A therapist and producer, James turned his interest in the Human Potential Movement into riveting stories of “breaking through” to a love-based Spiritual Awareness, featuring a precise way to transcend Control Dramas, and the discovery of our Soul’s Dream. The Celestine Prophecy was the #1 best selling book in the world.    The Series of books have continued to be influential for two decades, standing as a precise “how to” understanding of Humanity’s evolution toward a more Spiritually Connected awareness. James has lectured widely on applying the tenants of Depth Psychology to our individual search for a purposeful life — guiding thousands on the Journey of becoming aware of our ego’s controlling of others.  And how a precise, love- based meditation practice can free us to transcend our unconscious “coping devices” and take advantage of a higher perception of Synchronicity (meaningful coincidences) that