Bee The Wellness Podcast

Ep:185 Harmonic Healing | Dr. Linda Lancaster



Dr. Linda Lancaster is an Energy Medicine & Homeopathic Physician. She has been in practice since 1981 and founded Light Harmonics Institute, an Energy Medicine Clinic and Educational Center based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Her training includes Homeopathy, Radionics, Medical Radiesthesia, Subtle Energy Healing, Emotional/Spiritual/Grief Counseling, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda and Detoxification Methods. Her health and cleansing programs have been offered to her patients for almost 40 years. Homeopathic and natural medicine physicians prefer non-invasive treatments, which minimize the risks of harmful side effects. Health or disease comes from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, mental, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and other factors. Heavy metals, chemicals, radiation and parasites all play an important role in the analysis of the health of the patient. Every illness has an underlying cause, which could be from diet and habits of the individual. The whole person is conside