Bee The Wellness Podcast

Ep:186 Forest Bathing | Julia Plevin



Julia Plevin is the founder of Forest Bathing Club and author of The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing  A lifelong lover of nature, she first realized the effect that nature had on her mental health and wellbeing while pursuing her MFA at The School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her graduate design thesis became all about the health issues caused by disconnecting to nature and the way to heal them — to reconnect back to nature. Ever the designer, Plevin started the Forest Bathing Club on in 2015 as a minimum viable product — just to see if it was something people desired as much as she did — and has ever since been in awe of the journey it has taken her on and humbled by the people and resources who have been drawn to this work. She's spent time in old-growth forests around the world, trained with Mayan elders and met so many inspiring people who are also working in service of the trees. As the club grows and evolves, her aspiration is to inspire people to jumpstart their personal journey of r