Artist Connection Podcast

Episode 272 - Billy Grima



Today's guest is musician Billy Grima! He recently called me from his home in Canada to talk about his life, music, and influences. His latest album is "Sugar & Cream", and three tracks are featured with this episode. Billy grew up in Australia and moved to Canada as a teenager. We talked about how he dealt with that transition and the differences between the two places. He also told me about his musical roots in the church choir. It is a tradition that he still practices today. Learn more about Billy at I hope to have him on again very soon. If you reach out, please let him know that you heard him here first. Enjoy! If you are looking for an easy way to support this show that won't cost you anything extra, please click through this LINK whenever you shop at Amazon. It goes a long way in keeping the lights on around here. Thank you in advance! We do not own any copyrights to the songs played on this episode. We have special permission by the artists themselves to play their music on th