Artist Connection Podcast

Episode 286 - Jax



Today's guest is Jax! Many of you know her from Season 14 of American Idol. She had so many cool musical moments that led to her strong finish. Her diverse song selections made her one of my all time favorites in the history of that show. It was great to speak with her about her influences and her brand new single "La La Land" which is featured here along with two tracks from the "American Idol Season 14-Best of Jax" album. Learn more about her and watch for her on Facebook and Twitter. If you reach out, please let her know that you heard her right here on ACP. Enjoy!  If you are looking for an easy way to support this show that won't cost you anything extra, please click through this LINK whenever you shop at Amazon. It goes a long way in keeping the lights on around here. Thank you in advance! We do not own any copyrights to the songs played on this episode. We have special permission by the artists themselves to play their music on the show for promotional purposes for the artists